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Welcome to MaziJob (Majhi Naukri | मजी नोकरी), India’s largest job-searching portal. Here you can get updates on the latest government jobs, various job exam news, and all types of educational news. Here you can get the latest government jobs, various job news, and all types of job and educational news like Maharashtra Police Bharti, Hall Ticket, Admit Card, Exam Result/Answer Key, Government Jobs exam results, and many more updates.


What is MaziJob (Majhi Naukri | माझी नोकरी)?

MaziJob, or Majhi Naukri (माझी नोकरी), is a platform providing information about the latest government job openings in Maharashtra as well as India and worldwide.

How can I search for jobs on Majhi Naukri?

You can search for jobs by category, location, and qualification on the Majhi Naukri website.

Is Majhi Naukri free to use?

Yes, Majhi Naukri is a free service for job seekers to find government job opportunities.

How often is Majhi Naukri updated with new job listings?

Majhi Naukri is updated regularly with the latest government job openings in Maharashtra and worldwide private jobs.

Does Majhi Naukri charge any fees?

No, it’s a free service for job seekers.

Does Majhi Naukri have jobs for freshers?

Yes, it lists vacancies for candidates with qualifications like 10th or 12th pass.